To Fight For Rights & Reject Bad Policies & Leaders

3:04 am Unknown 0 Comments

The sensitive issue of Ontario’s new sex education curriculum isheating up very much and increasing theblood pressure and anger of the affected parents and people asit startstesting their religious, freedom, human rights, family, morality, responsibility, respectability, social, cultural and patience levels and tolerance.

Parents and people aredetermined to fully protect their rights and freedom, under Canada’s Charter of Rights & Freedom, and keep using all the available peaceful and sensible options of rejecting and protesting against all such parties, leaders, policymakers and policies which are proving harmful and destructivefor them and Canada.

Peaceful protests are being held and parents kept their children away fromschools for a week and could even keep away their children from such classes and schools indefinitely. Children are suffering the mostbut they fully understand the sensitivity and gravity of the issue and that’s why are willingly supporting the parents and people. They are sensing the dangers and consider it as extremely harmful and destructive.

Chris Selley of daily ‘National Post’, published from Toronto, Canada, in his analysis titled ‘Muslim community taking the lead in latest round of Ontario sex-education protests’, published on May 5, 2015, highlighted the events and developments taking place against the ‘Harmful &Objectionable’ Ontario’s new sex education curriculum.

Chris contacted me and chatted with me on this sensitive issue and carried my comments as follows: “Freelance journalist Javed Zaheer warns of the “total destruction” of his grandchildren’s generation.”

As regards the chat with Chris Selley and my comment in his analysis, I would like to make my comment and point clear to remove the confusions and misunderstandings, if any, created.

Nobody would have objected and protested if the Ontario’s new sex education curriculum had been purely educational and meant to create proper awareness and better understanding for the children of all ages, particularly appropriate and mature ages and mental levels so that they can grasp the necessary knowledge for safety and awareness and protect themselves from the harms, dangers, exploiters, pedophiles and criminals.

Already, children are being taught about health including sex. On that too concerned parents and people objected only against the “Objectionable portions” being taught to children of inappropriate ages and against their religious, family, social and cultural values and principles. Most of them kept their children away from such classes on optional basis.

Concerned parents and people say that the problem with the Ontario’s new sex education curriculum is that it is not only unethically crossing the limits and levels of maturity, morality, responsibility, respectability, values and principles but proving extremely destructive to the innocence, lives, and future of the children and new generation. It will open the doors for the evils, criminals and sex mafia to easily lure and hook the children to exploit, use and abuse them and produce a generation of rapists, predators and sinners. Their inappropriate ages, innocence and curiosity will increase their lust,make them irresponsible and sexually charged and definitely lead them to immorality and criminality.

The concerned parents and people consider it as a conspiracy of a lobby and fear that the motive behind the new sex education curriculum is to promote immorality and support and promote all those involved in such practices. Once they become part of the system and society then the job would become easy and the innocent children could be easily hooked, lured, exploited and abused.

The good, responsible and respectable parents, people and families of any community can never and will never allow this to happen. They will protect their children, families, cultures, values and principles at all cost.

The sexuality process of erection, insertion and ejection are all but natural for all living beings and the new sex education curriculum would definitely increase their sexual and lustful levels and allow them to understand and test them.They simply cannot avoid it.

Instead they would become Peeping Toms and keep a watchful eye on members of the family, friends and communityincluding parents, siblings and others to watch or get a chance to practically do something.

So what kind of a generation are we trying to create or produce? The day will not be far when a Grade-1 kid will ask his mother,sister, teacher or any other person: “Am I masturbating properly?” or “Hey, can you please measure my thickness and size?” or “Can you please teach me how to properly do and enjoy sex?” or “Mama or daddy I don’t need toys any more. Ineed condom and someoneto practice and play?”

I have four grandchildren and more kids in my family and friends circles. I shudder on even imagining about such a sex generation, happenings, situation and condition. This will definitely happen if we dangerously cross the limits and levels of maturity, morality, values and principles. Children and the future generations willlose their innocence, religion, family, responsibility and respect for all.

The good human beings would turn into sex hunter and sex mafia gang member. Canada and all good, responsible and respectable Canadians just cannot afford and allow this to happen at any cost. All attempts to bring such policies and changes would be opposed and thwarted.

As regards Ontario’s Premier Kathleen Wynne, she is MPP of my constituency Don Valley West and people mostly respected and voted for her and her party. She is a really very good and powerful leader and love mixing with the people of the area, listening and helping them. This is why I like and respect her too and hope that on this sensitive issue too she would meet the concerned parents, families and people, listen to them and try to find an acceptable and respectable solution.

Failure to do so on any pretext or grounds would lead to clash with the people and crash of her Liberal Party. Now, people are definitely in no mood to be good with her or her Liberal Party. The new sex education curriculum would definitely affect her and her Liberal party’s position adversely. People are damn angry and determined not to choose or entertain any such party or leader who does not respect them, their religion, cultures, traditions, ethics,values and principles.

The concerned members and leaders of the community including Shahid Hashmi, Chairman, Canpak Chamber of Commerce, Seema Hashmi, Syed Muhammad Iqbal, President of Pak Seniors Forum, Hashim Hyder, Tahir Hussain, Masoodul Haq gathered at the residence of Hameeduddin Ahmed, who had published and edited Toronto’s Urdu newspaper `AWAZ’, on May 6, 2015, in Pickering. The Ontario sex education curriculum was extensively and openly discussed and the majority members strongly criticised and condemned such a policy and considered its implementation as futile, disastrous and destructive.

Syed Muhammad Iqbal, PSF President, termed the Ontario sex education curriculum as devastating and destructive. He highlighted the “objectionable parts” of the curriculum as follows:
1) Proper names for body parts will be taught to students of Grade 1.
2) Students of Grade 2 will learn about the broad conceptof consent by being told that no means No.
3) The curriculum positions sexual orientation as one of the potential qualities that distinguish people from one another.
4) Now in Grade 4 discussion about puberty will be common and will move further to Grade 5 while education about intercourse will take place the following year
5) In Grade 6, masturbation and gender expression will also be part of the curriculum.In Grades 7 and 8, contraception and oral sex preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections will be taught and students will also learn about online bullying and the dangers of sharing sexually explicit images electronically.

People are already burdened and fed up by the rapidly increasing prices of everything. It is becoming harder for them to meet the increasing expenses including family, rent and groceries. Their pockets are being emptied to meet the budget deficit caused by the wrong policies of incompetent leaders and parties with vested interests. The wrong policies and incompetent leadership is proving harmful for Canada and all Canadians. Instead of cutting their “Expenses”, the leaders are cutting the throats of the common people.

It will definitely adversely affect the system, society, communities and families. A survey would reveal the facts and the prevailing situation and condition. Most people are fed up with elections, leaders and parties. .

The prime minister, premiers, ministers, policymakers, bureaucrats and leaders of all levels and parties---federal, provincial and municipal---must focus on all such priority issues so that people could live, breathe and even die respectfully and peacefully.

The increasing burden of rising expenses is becoming intolerable and making the lives of common peopleterrible and miserable. The need and urgency is to act fast before Canada and Canadians are harmed by the wrong policies and incompetent leadership at any levels. All communities and people must understand this and unite to practically help and support each other toprotect
Canada and Canadians and make them really safer, stronger and successful.
\ It is the duty and responsibility of the MP, MPP and Councillor to guide and help the people of their areas but recently one person came with a complaint that a staffer of MP of Don Valley West instead of helping him sent him a “Hurting email”. He was shocked and disappointed by that email and said: “Where should I go now and who will listen and help me?”

Such attitude is narrowing the roads for success and power for both the Liberal and Conservative parties and giving advantage to the NDP. The elections are due in few months but the outcome could be predicted by the performance and attitude of the leaders, parties and their staff. People are this time more charged and aware of what is happening to them, Ontario and Canada because of the wrong, bad and incompetent leaders and policies.


How To Reduce High Blood Pressure With Herbal Supplements?

12:19 am Unknown 0 Comments

People, who are looking for ways about how to reduce high blood pressure, are advised to make lifestyle changes. Increasing waist is one of the reasons for high BP. You are advised to lose extra pounds and lower the waist line to naturally reduce blood pressure. You can naturally reduce BP up to 9 mm Hg through regular physical activity. You need to practice exercises for at least 30 minutes regularly. 

Best exercises to reduce blood pressure include participation in dance, fitness games, swimming, rowing, bicycling, running, stair climbing, hiking and brisk walking. You can lower BP up to 8 mm Hg through reducing intake of sodium. Limit intake of sodium to 2300 mg per day. People, who are aged above 51 years, are advised to keep sodium intake at 1500 mg or less. Reduce intake of processed foods. You should read food labels and choose sodium alternatives. Stresx capsules are the best herbal supplements to reduce high blood pressure.

You need to take Stresx capsules twice daily with plain water for 3 to 4 months to maintain correct blood pressure. It is developed using powerful herbs to naturally lower BP without any fear of side effects. It is one of the effective herbal supplements to reduce high blood pressure.

It is useful for the treatment of poor heart functioning and hypertension. It also relieves you from fatigue, insomnia, sleeplessness and stress. It also balances cholesterol levels. It improves blood circulation through clearing and cleaning arteries. Potent herbs in this herbal remedy widen arteries to ensure more blood supply. It eliminates blood clots and protects you from the risk of kidney disorders, stroke and heart attack. It supplements your body with important nutrients and help to boost heart functioning. Some of the key ingredients in Stresx capsules, which are the best herbal supplements to reduce high blood pressure, are Kesar, Ganjwan, Aam, Arjun, Safed Musli, Moti Bhasam, Vacha, Brahmi, Ajwain Khurasani and Shankpushpi. 

How to reduce high blood pressure is through regular use of herbal supplements and intake of balanced diet. You can buy herbal remedies in the denomination of 300, 240, 120 and 180 capsules from reliable online stores. Order for these herbal supplements can be placed from the comfort of home or office. You can also enjoy free shipping.

You should ensure intake of diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, skimps and low fat dairy products. Intake of balanced diet helps to lower BP by up to 14 mm Hg. To neutralize the effects of sodium, you need to consume foods rich in potassium. Include foods like potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, bananas, raisins, prunes, mushrooms, dried figs, dates, dried apricots, yogurt, squash, kiwi, peaches, avocados, fish and beans in your daily diet. You are advised to prevent or reduce intake of alcohol to lower BP. You should stop smoking completely. You should also avoid secondhand smoking. You should reduce intake of caffeine products. 

Reducing stress is very important to lower BP. How to reduce high blood pressure is through practicing deep breathing exercises. You can also practice meditationFind Article, yoga or seek massage therapy.


Life's Most important Questions

12:11 am Unknown 0 Comments

  • Who are we?
  • What are we? 
  • From where did we come? 
  • Where would we go? 
  • What are we doing? 

The true purpose of life is to answer these questions and then live: Who are we? What are we? From where did we come? Where would we go? What are we doing? What should we do? Are we doing right? Will it take us to where we want to go? Do we know where we want to go? Is it the right destination?
Many of us are impatient. We don’t want to spend time answering questions. We just want to jump into life, thinking that life will be over soon. Sure, life will be over, but suppose you knew that you’re not going to die that you’re going to live forever and you’re immortal. Then, will we just rush through life? You don’t even know whether you die, or is it only your body that dies? As I study these questions, I share that we must not just rush into life, but we must stop, understand, introspect, and contemplate and then live! That is truly livingComputer Technology Articles, not just existing like rats running in a rat race.


Cheap Printer Ink Cartridges: helps in cost cutting

2:07 am Unknown 0 Comments

With the increase in the usage of printers in businesses and office, demand for printer ink cartridges has gone up as well. At the same time, quality of the pages and the ink cartridges has become the essential factors in printing the pages. Many a times, people lookout for the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) ink cartridges whenever their printers fall short of ink. Why throw money down the drain, when you can buy cheap printer ink cartridges. When you go for the OEM ink cartridges, you are likely to spend huge amount of money on the printing needs. They will end up increasing your overall stationery costs. 

With the entry of the third party vendors producing cheap printer ink cartridges, the monopolistic market of the branded and genuine ink cartridges is almost shut. These cartridges are cheaper than the original ones. The ink cartridges are non bio-degradable. Every year, people from across the globe add into millions of tons of garbage in landfills. Used printer ink cartridges are dumped without thinking of re-filling. The cartridges are formed of high grade plastic and take up thousands of years before they break down. It is advisable to practice secure ink cartridges recycling to assist and save the environment from damage caused by the unsuitable disposal of the printer ink cartridges. Online world is one of the great places to purchase cheap printer ink cartridges. 

There are several online suppliers who provide cheap printer ink cartridges. All you need to do is to woof on the one that provides you with the great services and best prices. The web world is a wonderful tool and it can help you put the cash back in your pocket. Saving money on cheap printer ink has never been easier, however, with the online advancements; you can be assured about the costs. Online traders have their websites with product information. Therefore, inspect some of the known online suppliers and also browse through the prices they are providing. 

If you are looking out for cost cutting in your office stationeries, then it is advisable to go for cheap printer ink cartridges. Although, the digital era has taken over in offices across the globe, yet there are many such companies that rely on the documents. Printing is important in carrying out both business and office tasks. Whether you are looking to print mere documents like minutes of a meeting or other essential documents like financial reports or any other project progress report, you just cannot avoid printing. For all such tasks, you can bank on cheap printer ink cartridges. 

These days, printer ink is a sore spot for consumers. The consumers are searching for ways to save money in buying ink. Hence, one can save a lot of money by buying cheap printer ink cartridges. Now start saving immediately just by ordering cheap printer ink from the online source.


What are Spritual Books?

4:03 am Unknown 0 Comments

Spiritual books are known to be our best friends for their unconditional love towards us. Reading, generally, has always been one of our favourite hobbies. As far as spiritual inspiration and knowledge is concerned, there is no substitute of acquiring it other than from spiritual books. These books are fuel for our thoughts and beliefs, they provide us the inspiration and courage to stand up for what we feel is right for our growth. 

Spiritual books have begun to multiply in number in recent times. And it is true that once we go through the work of writers who have had spiritual inspiration, our lives get changed. 

Tired of leading stressful and unhappy lives, people with a desire to lead peaceful lives are resorting to spirituality. Thus spirituality is on the rise. Walking on the path of spirituality not only helps us to realise our real Self, but it also inspires us and drives us to lead a joyous life. If we intend to relax and attain peace of mind we should read spiritual books. 

A good way of selecting these inspiring books is to search online for them. We need to select a few good spiritual books available in the market and start reading it religiously. We should make a regular habit of reading them, set up a time of the day for the same, and put our whole mind on it. While reading spiritual books we should not be watching TV or eating or doing anything else. 

We slowly begin to see the world around us in a different perspective. We begin to comprehend why a person is behaving the way he/she is. We learn to take things in stride and move on without getting much baffled from his/her behaviour. 

Spiritual books help us clarify a lot of our doubts which otherwise seem difficult to resolve. We must believe that our time invested in spiritual reading will definitely change our lives. We become very positive. Our attitude and point of view for life also changes. Realizing our dreams and aspirations will become easy and we shall experience joys like never before. 

This blissful experience is an important facet of spiritual inspiration coming through books. Nonetheless, mere reading won�t help us unless we learn to apply these principles in our day to day affairs. Spirituality is not about reading alone, it is about being and becoming. We need to understand the writer�s point of view and begin to follow it in our lives with determination. This is important because without doing this spiritual books will produce no good results. 

For people like us who are moved by spiritual inspiration, it is necessary that we seek wholeheartedly until we reach our destination. And once we begin to find spiritual realisation, we must keep seeking until we are convinced, at the deepest level of our inner being, of the eternal reality that God, is our own real Self. 

For some of us, this realisation might happen in an instant explosive revelation; for others, it will occur quietly and gradually. Whenever it happens, we will all know.


How much it is important that a child should play in childhood:

3:50 am Unknown 0 Comments

It is true that education is like a basic building block for a child's future. All parents dream for a better career for their children life. Everybody wants their child to be engineer, doctor and wants to see them in high posts. In this cuse throat competition children get pressurize with their activities to the extent that they don't get extra time for their own entertainment. Teachers also keep the children busy during the holidays by giving them assignments and homework. Therefore, children used to play with their siblings. So, the children easily got a play environment at home. However, now the time spent by child in playing was very less as compared to the past decades. Parents should understand that play is an important activity for children and they should not deprive their child from this opportunity. 

Group games allows children to learn the values of team work. It also teaches them to cooperate with members of the team and develop self discipline. This also enables them to face negative situations in life and make them strong when they get defeated. Many studies have proved that children are playing games which have lots of violence are likely to be more short tempered and aggressive. 

It is the duty of the parents to find out whether the children knows the difference between reality and fantasy. When this problem is not uprooted in the initial stages then it can take very ugly turn in child's life and they will start presuming that real life is also like the games and sports which they play. It will have a negative impact on child's mind because inappropriate games will impart wrong set of values in them. Through play children develop basic life skills; they also learn how to interact with their parents and adults. It is through play that children develop basic life skills; they learn how to interact with their peers and with adults. 

There are certain benefits that children get after playing. These benefits are given below: 

1. Reduces fear, stress, anxiety, irritability 

2. Generate joy, intimacy, self-esteem and mastery not based on other's loss of esteem 

3. Improves emotional flexibility and openness 

4. Increases calmness, resilience and adaptability and ability to deal with surprise and change 

5. Decreases tactile defensiveness 

6. Healing process for hurts 

7. Enhances feelings of acceptance of difference 

8. Increases empathy, compassion, and sharing 

9. Creates options and choices 

10. Models relationships based on inclusion rather than exclusion 

11. Alternative to aggressor-victim model of relationships 

12. Decreases revenge and need for self defense 

13. Improves touch and nonverbal socialization skills 

14. Increases attention and attachment capacities 

15. Positive emotions increase the efficiency of immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems 

16. Decreases stress, fatigue, injury, and depression 

17. Integrates sensor motor, kinesthetic and emotional responses 

In conclusion every child should be allowed to play as they learn so many skills from playing, and from defeating. Play is essential for every child's development as it make them well balanced grown up and prepare with all the essential life skills needed.


Microsoft Mobiles Business Intelligence

3:42 am Unknown 0 Comments

Microsoft today announced that it has acquired Datazen, a mobile business intelligence and data visualization service.
Datazen, which launched about three years ago, allows businesses to create mobile dashboards from data in Microsoft Excel, but also from other cloud and enterprise database sources. To run Datazen, enterprises need to run Windows Server, IIS and .NET behind their firewalls, as well as Datazen’s server software.
The company offers apps for Windows, Windows Phone, iOS, Android and the web. According to today’s announcement, all of its products will remain available for the time being and the team will continue to work on Datazen’s server and client products.
Starting today, Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition customers (version 2008 and up) can already download Datazen’s server software at no cost.
Datazen is positioned as a mobile BI solution for customers who need a solution that is implemented on-premises,” the Datazen team writes today. “As such, it will complement Power BI, Microsoft’s cloud-based business analytics service.”


Top Five (5) Best Open Source Technologies Review for Year 2015

3:57 am Unknown 0 Comments

The Year 2012 marked a mushrooming in the number of Open – Source Technologies, however despite the increase in the number that we have seen in the past couple of years there were a few that managed to leave seemingly everlasting footprints. Some of these technologies reformed their counterparts and have empowered innumerable people, groups and companies with their creative strategies and solutions. The Year 2013 has arrived with some promising and Best Open Source Technologies that will dominate this year and that will provide users flawless experience in Open Source Technologies fields so in this blog-post we are going toReview of Top Five Best Open Source Technologies of 2013 which includes; Codename One Review, CFEngine Review, Kaltura Review, Magento Review and Audacity Open-Source Technologies Review.

OpenSource Technologies of 2013

Review of Codename One - An Open Source Technology:

Established in the year 2012 by two engineers that were associated with Sun Microsystems named Chen Fishbeinand Shai Almog, Codename One with its launch was able to captivate some of the most powerful brands like Vodafone to name one and soon has become a very compelling device for global mobile developers. This new open source technology enables employing an exclusive codebase for Java that permits developers to build and create mobile applications over multiple systems of mobile operations. This in turn aids in convincingly minimizing costs and time and lowering fragmentation and promises to play a very pivotal role in mobile applications.

Review of CFEngine - An Open Source Technology:

After having undergone two revisions, CFEngine currently runs globally on a very large number of computer systems and includes a clientele list like LinkedIn and NASA to boast off. This unique software that is available in a diverse range of monetary strands and user types automatizes massive IT computing infrastructure by implementing conformity, security and readiness of important services and applications related to the project. 

Review of Kaltura - An Open Source Technology:

Unveiled in the year 2006, Kaltura has swelled with success with close to 28,000 developers that have registered with them and a customer base of over 150,000 that includes some prominent names such as HBO and Best Buy and the very many universities that they have as well. Kaltura is not just the forerunner but also the only online open source platform for video that proposes formable video solutions via media management apps and also provides a scheme for building custom applications. This software has marked its prominence in media companies, large and medium enterprises, web publishers and service providers.

Review of Magento - An Open Source Technology:

Roy Rubin and Yoav Cutner in the year 2007 launched Magento and gave technology an addition that was so innovatively designed that it has carved a niche in the open source platform. What they created and build saw an explosion of sorts by the year 2010 and what started as a platform that gave complete charge and flexibility to businesses over not just the design but also the content and functionality of retailers online to providing solutions at an enterprise level. Declared as the most rapidly flourishing global e-commerce platform it pretty much stands tall to the fresh breed of competitors.


A Complete Diet Schedule

3:53 am Unknown 0 Comments

Diabetes is on the rise, yet most cases are preventable with healthy lifestyle changes. Some can even be reversed. Taking steps to prevent and control diabetes doesn’t mean living in deprivation. While eating right is important, you don’t have to give up sweets entirely or resign yourself to a lifetime of bland “health food”. With these tips, you can still enjoy your favorite foods and take pleasure from your meals without feeling hungry or deprived.

Taking control of diabetes

Diet Schedule
It’s not too late to make a positive change, even if you’ve already developed diabetes. The bottom line is that you have more control over your health than you think.

The importance of losing weight in the "right" places

The biggest risk factor for developing diabetes is being overweight, but not all body fat is created equal. Your risk is higher if you tend to carry your weight around your abdomen—the so-called “spare tire”—as opposed to your hips and thighs. So why are “apple” shaped people more at risk than “pears”?
 “Pears” store most of their fat close below the skin. “Apples” store their weight around their middle, much of it deep within the belly surrounding their abdominal organs and liver. This type of deep fat is closely linked to insulin resistance and diabetes. In fact, many studies show that waist size is a better predictor of diabetes risk than BMI (body mass index).
You are at an increased risk of developing diabetes if you are:
  • A woman with a waist circumference of 35 inches or more
  • A man with a waist circumference of 40 inches or more
To measure your waist circumference, place a tape measure around your bare abdomen just above your hip bone. Be sure that the tape is snug (but does not compress your skin) and that it is parallel to the floor. Relax, exhale, and measure your waist.


Importance of a Dinner with Family Members

3:46 am Unknown 0 Comments

The dinner table can be one of the best places to bring your family together. Eating a nice home cooked meal with your whole family is a wonderful experience, and can bring great discussion, or humor to everyone attending. My family has a wonderful pasta dinner every Sunday night. My mother spends all day preparing her sauce, meatballs, and whatever else it takes to create her masterpiece. After hours of preparing it's finally done. The family gathers at the dinner table and begins the feast. On Sundays we always sit at the dinner table. Your asking, where else would you sit? Well, during the week we have an island counter top which we eat our meals at. The island is simply more convenient, and easy to use for my mother when she's cooking. For our Sunday feast, we always set the dinner table, and sit at the table together to eat our meal. 

I look forward to every Sunday for a number of reasons. The main reason being I love to eat, and I love to eat pasta more than anything. We are an Italian family and we all enjoy a fabulous pasta dinner every week. Besides the eating part of our feast, I enjoy joining my family and starting conversation. It's not often you get to sit down with your whole family at once for an extended period of time. Being able to talk to my all my brothers at once is pretty cool. I got three brothers, and having them all there at once can be quite exciting. Asking one brother one thing can lead to a fun conversation, or sometimes a ruthless argument. Overall it's a fun experience and you get to learn a lot about your siblings, and/or parents. 

My brothers all attend school, and two of them work full time jobs, theres just no time to spend time with them. Having a weekly dinner is a very exciting aspect of our family. No matter what is happening that week, I know that the upcoming Sunday I will see my whole family whether it's at our dinner table, or simply out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants. Not everyone can make it every Sunday, but that's understandable and we forgive them. Most Sunday's we have the whole family attending, including my grandma, who I feel is the most important person at the dinner table. 

My grandma, who we call "nuni" or "nonna" which is Italian for grandmother. Our nonna came over from Italy over 50 years ago on a boat, and has never been the same since. I love talking to her at the dinner table about the old times in the old country. She teaches us some cool things about cooking, and just being Italian in general. Sometimes my nunna will teach us some Italian phrases, or secrets to different things that she's learned over in Italy. I love comparing her different ways to go about doing certain things to the way we do certain things over here in America, it's very interesting. 

One of the coolest things I've learned from my grandmother is how to make homemade pasta. My grandmother grew up in a village in Sicily, and was taught to produce her own pasta noodles when it came to their family feasts. Learning how to make my own homemade pasta was easily one of the coolest things I've learned from here. I currently attend the University of New Hampshire for Culinary Arts, and cooking happens to be my passion. Having my grandma around is so awesome, and I learn a lot from her every day. She taught me the basics of using a Pasta Machine, and how to make my own pasta from scratch. After a few hours of preparing our noodles, our product was done. I had produced enough pasta for weeks! We ate the homemade pasta later that night and it was fantastic. May not taste like it was store bought, but it definitely tastes homemade, and delicious. 

The moral of the article is to make more people aware of the power of food, whether your preparing it or eating it. Take advantage of your family dinners, who knows how much longer you'll have with them. Whether you sit and enjoy the presence, or strike a conversation with your family members, a family dinner is a great way to gather the family each week.


Perfect Gift for Someone Who is Special to You

3:45 am Unknown 0 Comments

Having trouble coming up with the perfect gift for that special woman in your life? Whether it's for your wife, your girlfriend or your sister, shopping for women can be a challenge. But one gift that never goes unappreciated and is considerably more personal than a gift card is a charm from Tiffany's. 

Tiffany's hand crafted charms come in a huge variety of styles and mediums, although gold and silver are the most popular. They are sorted in groups and collections, such as "Love" which consists of hearts and the word love in many variations; "Tiffany Locks" which has little heart padlocks; and "Travel & Hobbies" which includes some of my favorites ---a little silver and Tiffany blue convertible, an 18k gold and diamond camera, a sterling silver Eiffel tower, and a silver and blue enamel Scooter. 

All in all there are close to three hundred different charms to choose from. Some of the high end charms even have moving parts, such as lids that open and close. The charms can also be engraved, either by machine or if for a little extra by the hands of a skilled engraver, with the recipient's initials, to allow for even more customization. Charm prices range from $65 for basic sterling silver discs to over $8,000 for two of Jean Schlumberger's designs. 

If you do a Google search for Tiffany charms, you will get over 7 million hits. However, know that the vast majority of those sites do NOT sell authentic Tiffany charms. Tiffany's do not have an outlet, nor do their charms ever go on sale, so stay away from sites that mention anything along those lines. Also watch for "Tiffany style" or "Tiffany inspired" ---again, not the real thing. The safest places to shop are either at a Tiffany store or on their website. Sure, it's tempting when you see one of the high end charms for half the price, but if you want a true Tiffany charm, or if you're giving one as a gift, don't fall for it. 

Tiffany's charms are admittedly on the pricey side, and few of us are able to stroll in and impulse buys an entire bracelet, but I think collecting them slowly over the years is part of the fun. And as your tastes and likes change, so will your bracelet. If you build it up over a period of 10 years, it will become a little memoir on your wrist. And a valuable one to boot! 

Camilla Hughes blogs at Charms Guide where she covers all aspects of charms and talks about her favorite designers, such as Pandora, Tiffany Co Thomas Sabo, Camilla and others.


Steps to make skin healthy

3:35 am Unknown 0 Comments

The basic step to keeping your skin healthy is stop damaging. Pollutants, sun, air as well as by just natural changing can certainly mortify the form of your skin. Frequent grumbles incorporate dry along with itchy skin, wrinkles , sagging, color alterations, together with age spots. Luckily, there are various methods that you can readily apply in order to maintain a fresh skin, looking and feeling at its most excellent appearance. 
Keeping yourself fit, having more rest, as well as getting healthy diet can set the basis for fine-looking and vigorous complexion. Moreover, a proper diet is not only the excellent way in attaining better health in general but it as well assists you to guarantee that your skin will get all of the mineralsvitamins and minerals, along with the nutrients that it requires to preserve and fix itself. 

Another way to keep your skin healthy is to apply the right skin care products to your skin. The best anti aging skincare products that can aid you to hydrate the skin are now available at your favorite skin care product store online. Having a clean skin by using the best skin cleanser is also a great way of preventing skin damages. 

One of the most essential ways to protect your skin is to keep it away from the harmful rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation harms the skin as well as it can result to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots or even cancer as well. An individual should really get further preventative measures in order to be certain that his or her skin is not totally exposed under the harmful rays of the sun. Do not fail to remember that one should apply a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that includes sunscreen (with minimum of SPF 15) every day. Although, it does not mean that you should not go out at all during the day, as if you are like a nocturnal creature. Your skin also needs some sunlight every day. A 10 to 15 exposures at sunrise or sunset will be alright. 

In addition to that, a variety of fine skin care products such as an all natural moisturizer is one of the essential components for a vigorous complexity. Keep on moisturizing all through the day to keep your sensitive skin vigorous. Your hands as well as your face is especially vulnerable to everyday dent, and might require it to be moisturized further.


Few tips for finding best language school for you

3:34 am Unknown 0 Comments

People want to gain proficiency in multiple languages just for the fun of it or for easy communication with people of diverse origins. You can learn a language in your own nation at different language schools or learn it overseas. Journeying is a popular hobby and it is hard to find someone who doesnt love to explore lands and places. If you are a travel fanatic and want to learn a foreign language, learning a language in the country where it is spoken natively can be the Holy Grail for you. Visiting a foreign country to learn your favorite language not only earns you a degree but also gives you a chance to travel around the country and amalgamate with different people. Language Schools can be found in every corner of the globe and they offer wide range of courses suitable for all types of people. But before picking a language school, you may have to rack your brains for various things on the country of your visit, the type of people there etc.. Here are some tips that will help you find a legitimate language school for you. 

The main concern is the language you are going to study. First decide which language youll be studying before deciding the country youll be traveling to. You can then shortlist the countries where the language is spoken natively and then start gathering information on the respective language schools there. For example, if French is a language that amuses you, you can learn it at language schools in Switzerland, Canada, Luxemburg or France where French is a native language. Learning a language in a country where it is spoken as a first language gives you better opportunities for practicing your language skills with the native speakers and also helps you to mingle easily with them. 

Be sure to check out the travel expenses, living costs at the place, fee structure for the language course etc. before embarking on a trip. These factors play a key role and if you arent prudent, you might end up in an unpleasant economic burden. If the living expenses and other financial factors in the country of your choice arent par with your budget, you should start looking for language schools in other countries. For example, if you want to learn Spanish, you can opt for Puerto Rico rather than Spain for the former is sure to be economical than the latter in almost all aspects . 

There are various resources on the internet where you can learn about language schools and the courses they offer. Many language schools have their own websites where they provide details on their fee structures, class hours, course duration etc.. Some language schools may only offer preliminary courses. So, if you are looking for something more, properly check out if the school youre planning to enroll in offers advanced courses in the language youre planning to study. You can also get engaged in discussion forums on language schools. You may come across a thread that may turn over your choice of a language school and compel you to pick some other. You can also use such forums to ask questions regarding language schools wait for an answer from people who have the information. 

The first priority is always the language school of course ; but also make sure that the place youll be visiting will comply to your tastes. Learn about the climate of the place, the type people, places to hang out etc.. You wouldnt like to go to a place where there is nothing much to do during off-study hours. Also learn about cheap restaurants , shopping centers etc. in and around the place where youll be staying. 

Before leaving on your journey, make sure you carry all your necessities . Its is better to make a list of items beforehand and then check one by one if everything is in your backpack. You would be embarrassed to no ends if you forgot to carry your laptop or your mobile, the armors of all internet surfers. Also make sure that you have your tickets and your passport in place. Some language schools offer you a list of things to bring along conferring with which can also be handy. Read travel guides and discussion threads that can give an idea on the things to carry along. Take a couple of pictures of your family and friends to cherish old memories when you are away from them. 

If you properly plan your study at a language school abroad, you can have a great time in the foreign country while you learn your favorite language.


Countries in the World

11:46 pm Unknown 0 Comments

Official language
Porto-Novo (official)
Cotonou (seat of government)
CFA franc
Burkina Faso
CFA franc
Burundian franc
CFA franc
Cape Verde
Cape Verdean escudo
Central African Republic
CFA franc
CFA franc
Comorian franc
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
CFA franc
Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Yamoussoukro (official)
Abidjan (seat of government)
CFA franc
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)
Congolese franc
Djiboutian franc
Egyptian pound
Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinean peseta
Addis Ababa
CFA franc
Gambian dalasi
Ghana cedi
Guinean franc
CFA franc
Kenyan shilling
Lesotho loti
Liberian dollar
Malagasy ariary
CFA franc
Port Louis
Mauritian rupee
Mauritian Creole
Overseas department of France
Moroccan dirham
Mozambican metical
Namibian dollar
CFA franc
Rwandan franc
Overseas department of France
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Jamestown (Saint Helena)
Georgetown (Ascension Island)
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (Tristan da Cunha)
Saint Helena pound
Pound sterling
Sao Tome and Principe
São Tomé
CFA franc
Seychellois rupee
Seychellois Creole
Sierra Leone
Somali shilling
Somaliland shilling
South Sudan
South Sudanese pound
Sudanese pound
Mbabane (administrative)
Lobamba (royal and legislative)
Dodoma (official)
Dar es Salaam (seat of government)
Tanzanian shilling
CFA franc
Tunisian dinar
Ugandan shilling
Western Sahara
None Disputed territory between   Morocco and the   Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
Moroccan dirham
Algerian dinar
Mauritanian ouguiya
See respective claimants
Zambian kwacha